Livestock Grasshopper Components ================================ 0 | Miscellaneous ----------------- **Livestock Python Executor** :Description: | Path to python executor. :Inputs: :Name: PythonPath :Description: Path to python.exe :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: BoundaryCondition :Description: | Livestock Boundary Conditions. **Livestock SSH Connection** :Description: | Setup SSH connection. | Icon based on art from Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project. :Inputs: :Name: IP :Description: IP Address for SSH connection. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Port :Description: Port for SSH connection. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Username :Description: Username for SSH connection. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Password :Description: Password for SSH connection. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. **Livestock Hour To Date** :Description: Convert a hour of the year into a date on the format: DD MMM HH:mm. :Inputs: :Name: Hour :Description: Hour of the year. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: Date :Description: | Converted Date. 1 | Geometry ------------ **Livestock Load Mesh** :Description: Loads a mesh. :Inputs: :Name: Filename :Description: Directory and file name of mesh. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Load :Description: Activates the component. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: Mesh :Description: | Loaded mesh. :Name: MeshData :Description: | Additional data if any. **Livestock Save Mesh** :Description: Saves a mesh and additional data :Inputs: :Name: Mesh :Description: Mesh to save. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Data :Description: Additional data if any. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Directory :Description: File path to save mesh to. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Filename :Description: File name. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Save :Description: Activates the component. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. 2 | CMF ------- **Livestock CMF Ground** :Description: | Generates CMF ground. | Icon art based created by Ben Davis from the Noun Project. :Inputs: :Name: Layers :Description: Soil layers to add to the mesh in m. :Data Access: List :Default Value: | 0 :Name: RetentionCurve :Description: Livestock CMF Retention Curve. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: VegetationProperties :Description: Input from Livestock CMF Vegetation Properties. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: SaturatedDepth :Description: Initial saturated depth in m. It is depth where the groundwater is located. Default is set to 3m. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 3 :Name: SurfaceWaterVolume :Description: Initial surface water volume in m\ :sup:`3`. Default is set to 0 m\ :sup:`3`. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: FaceIndices :Description: List of face indices, on where the ground properties are applied. :Data Access: List :Default Value: | None :Name: ETMethod :Description: | Set method to calculate evapotranspiration. | 0: No evapotranspiration. | 1: Penman-Monteith. | 2: Shuttleworth-Wallace. | Default is set to no evapotranspiration. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: Manning :Description: Set Manning roughness. If not set CMF calculates it from the above given values. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: PuddleDepth :Description: Set puddle depth. Puddle depth is the height were run-off begins. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0.01 :Name: SurfaceRunOffMethod :Description: | Set the method for computing the surface run-off. | 0: Kinematic Wave. | 1: Diffusive Wave. | Default is set 0 - Kinematic Wave. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: Ground :Description: Livestock Ground Data Class. **Livestock CMF Weather** :Description: | Generates CMF weather. | Icon art based created by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project. :Inputs: :Name: Temperature :Description: Temperature in C. Either a list or a tree where the number of branches is equal to the number of mesh faces. :Data Access: Tree :Default Value: | None :Name: WindSpeed :Description: Wind speed in m/s. Either a list or a tree where the number of branches is equal to the number of mesh faces. :Data Access: Tree :Default Value: | None :Name: RelativeHumidity :Description: Relative humidity in %. Either a list or a tree where the number of branches is equal to the number of mesh faces. :Data Access: Tree :Default Value: | None :Name: CloudCover :Description: Cloud cover, unitless between 0 and 1. Either a list or a tree where the number of branches is equal to the number of mesh faces. :Data Access: Tree :Default Value: | None :Name: GlobalRadiation :Description: Global Radiation in W/m\ :sup:`2`\. Either a list or a tree where the number of branches is equal to the number of mesh faces. :Data Access: Tree :Default Value: | None :Name: Rain :Description: Horizontal precipitation in mm/h. Either a list or a tree where the number of branches is equal to the number of mesh faces. :Data Access: Tree :Default Value: | None :Name: GroundTemperature :Description: Ground temperature in C. Either a list or a tree where the number of branches is equal to the number of mesh faces. :Data Access: Tree :Default Value: | None :Name: Location :Description: A Ladybug Tools Locations. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: MeshFaceCount :Description: Number of faces in the ground mesh. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: Weather :Description: | Livestock Weather Data Class. **Livestock CMF Vegetation Properties** :Description: | Generates CMF Vegetation Properties | Icon art based created by Ben Davis from the Noun Project. :Inputs: :Name: Property :Description: 0-1 grasses. 2-6 soils. Default is set to 0 :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: Units :Description: | Shows the units of the surface values. :Name: VegetationValues :Description: | Chosen vegetation property values. :Name: VegetationProperties :Description: | Livestock Vegetation Property Data. **Livestock CMF Synthetic Tree** :Description: | Generates a synthetic tree :Inputs: :Name: FaceIndex :Description: Mesh face index where tree is placed :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: TreeType :Description: Tree types: 0 - Deciduous. Default is deciduous. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: Height :Description: Height of tree in meters. Default is set to 10m :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 10 :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: Units :Description: | Shows the units of the tree values. :Name: TreeValues :Description: | Chosen tree properties values. :Name: TreeProperties :Description: | Livestock tree properties data. **Livestock CMF Retention Curve** :Description: Generates a CMF retention curve. :Inputs: :Name: SoilIndex :Description: Index for choosing soil type. Index from 0-5. Default is set to 0, which is the default CMF retention curve. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: K_sat :Description: Saturated conductivity in m/day. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Phi :Description: Porosity in m3/m3. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Alpha :Description: Inverse of water entry potential in 1/cm. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: N :Description: Pore size distribution parameter is unitless. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: M :Description: VanGenuchten m (if negative, 1-1/n is used) is unitless. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: L :Description: Mualem tortoisivity is unitless. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: Units :Description: | Shows the units of the curve values. :Name: CurveValues :Description: | Chosen curve properties values. :Name: RetentionCurve :Description: | Livestock Retention Curve. **Livestock CMF Solve** :Description: | Solves CMF Case. | Icon art based on Vectors Market from the Noun Project. :Inputs: :Name: Mesh :Description: Topography as a mesh. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Ground :Description: Input from Livestock CMF Ground. :Data Access: List :Default Value: | None :Name: Weather :Description: Input from Livestock CMF Weather. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Trees :Description: Input from Livestock CMF Tree. :Data Access: List :Default Value: | None :Name: Stream :Description: Input from Livestock CMF Stream. **Currently not working.** :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: BoundaryConditions :Description: Input from Livestock CMF Boundary Condition. :Data Access: List :Default Value: | None :Name: SolverSettings :Description: Input from Livestock CMF Solver Settings. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Folder :Description: Path to folder. Default is Desktop. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | os.path.join(os.environ["HOMEPATH"], "Desktop")} :Name: CaseName :Description: Case name as string. Default is CMF :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | CMF :Name: Outputs :Description: Connect Livestock Outputs. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Write :Description: Boolean to write files. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: Overwrite :Description: If True excising case will be overwritten. Default is set to True. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | True :Name: Run :Description: | Boolean to run analysis. | Analysis will be ran through SSH. Configure the connection with Livestock SSH. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: ResultPath :Description: | Path to result files. **Livestock CMF Results** :Description: | CMF Results :Inputs: :Name: ResultFolder :Description: Path to result file. Accepts output from Livestock Solve. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: FetchResult :Description: | Choose which result should be loaded: | 0 - Evapotranspiration | 1 - Surface water volume | 2 - Surface water flux | 3 - Heat flux | 4 - Aerodynamic resistance | 5 - Soil layer water flux | 6 - Soil layer potential | 7 - Soil layer theta | 8 - Soil layer volume | 9 - Soil layer wetness | Default is set to 0. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: SaveCSV :Description: Save the values as a csv file - Default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: Run :Description: Run component. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: Units :Description: | Shows the units of the results. :Name: Values :Description: | List with chosen result values. :Name: CSVPath :Description: | Path to csv file. **Livestock CMF Outputs** :Description: Specify the wanted outputs from the CMF simulation. :Inputs: :Name: Evapotranspiration :Description: Cell evaporation - default is set to True. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | True :Name: SurfaceWaterVolume :Description: Cell surface water - default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: SurfaceWaterFlux :Description: Cell surface water flux - default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: HeatFlux :Description: Cell surface heat flux - default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: AerodynamicResistance :Description: Cell surface water - default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: VolumetricFlux :Description: Soil layer volumetric flux vectors - default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: Potential :Description: Soil layer total potential (Psi\ :sub:`tot`\ = Psi\ :sub:`M`\ + Psi\ :sub:`G`\ - default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: Theta :Description: Soil layer volumetric water content of the layer - default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: Volume :Description: Soil layer volume of water in the layer - default is set to True. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | True :Name: Wetness :Description: Soil layer wetness of the soil (V\ :sub:`volume`\/V\ :sub:`pores`\) - default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: ChosenOutputs :Description: | Shows the chosen outputs. :Name: Outputs :Description: | Livestock Output Data. **Livestock CMF Boundary Condition** :Description: CMF Boundary connection :Inputs: :Name: InletOrOutlet :Description: 0 is inlet. 1 is outlet - default is set to 0 :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: ConnectedCell :Description: Cell to connect to. Default is set to first cell. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: ConnectedLayer :Description: Layer of cell to connect to. 0 is surface water. 1 is first layer of cell and so on. Default is set to 0 - surface water. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: InletFlux :Description: If inlet, then set flux in m3/day. :Data Access: List :Default Value: | False :Name: FlowWidth :Description: Width of the connection from cell to outlet in meters. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: OutletLocation :Description: Location of the outlet in x, y and z coordinates. :Data Access: List :Default Value: | None :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: BoundaryCondition :Description: | Livestock Boundary Conditions. **Livestock CMF Solver Settings** :Description: Sets the solver settings for CMF Solve :Inputs: :Name: AnalysisLength :Description: Total length of the simulation in hours - default is set to 24 hours. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 24 :Name: TimeStep :Description: | Size of each time step in hours - e.g. 1/60 equals time steps of 1 min and 24 is a time step of one day. | Default is 1 hour. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 1 :Name: SolverTolerance :Description: Solver tolerance - Default is 1e-8 :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 10**-8 :Name: Verbosity :Description: | Sets the verbosity of the print statement during runtime - Default is 1. | 0 - Prints only at start and end of simulation. | 1 - Prints at every time step. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 1 :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: SolverSettings :Description: | Livestock Solver Settings. **Livestock CMF Surface Flux Result** :Description: Extract the surface flux for a mesh. :Inputs: :Name: ResultFolder :Description: Path to result file. Accepts output from Livestock Solve :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Mesh :Description: Mesh of the case :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: IncludeRunOff :Description: Include surface run-off into the surface flux vector? Default is set to True. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | True :Name: IncludeRain :Description: Include rain into the surface flux vector? Default is False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: IncludeEvapotranspiration :Description: Include evapotranspiration into the surface flux vector? Default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: IncludeInfiltration :Description: Include infiltration into the surface flux vector? Default is False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: SaveResult :Description: Save the values as a text file - Default is set to False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: Run :Description: Run component. Default is False. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: Unit :Description: | Shows the units of the results. :Name: SurfaceFluxVectors :Description: | Tree with the surface flux vectors. :Name: CSVPath :Description: | Path to csv file. **Livestock CMF Outlet** :Description: Create a CMF Outlet. :Inputs: :Name: Location :Description: Location of the outlet in x, y and z coordinates. Default is 0,0,0. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | [0, 0, 0] :Name: ConnectedCell :Description: Cell to connect to. Default is set to first cell. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: ConnectedLayer :Description: | Layer of cell to connect to. | 0 is surface water. | 1 is first layer of cell and so on. | Default is set to 0 - surface water :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 0 :Name: OutletType :Description: | Set type of outlet connection. | 1: Richards. | 2: Kinematic wave. | 3: Technical Flux. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: ConnectionParameter :Description: | If Richards: | Potential - Sets the potential of the outlet. The difference in potential is what drives the flux. | If Kinematic wave: | Residence Time - Linear flow parameter of travel time in days. | If Technical Flux: | Maximum Flux - The maximum flux is in m\ :sup:`3`\/day. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: BoundaryCondition :Description: | Livestock Boundary Condition. 3 | Comfort ----------- **Livestock New Air Conditions** :Description: Computes a new air temperature and relative humidity with the Atmosphere Model from the thesis of Christian Kongsgaard :Inputs: :Name: Mesh :Description: Ground Mesh :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | None :Name: Evapotranspiration :Description: Evapotranspiration in m\ :sup:`3`\/day. Each tree branch should represent one time unit, with all the cell values to that time. :Data Access: Tree :Default Value: | None :Name: AirTemperature :Description: Air temperature in C :Data Access: List :Default Value: | None :Name: AirRelativeHumidity :Description: Relative Humidity in - :Data Access: List :Default Value: | None :Name: WindSpeed :Description: Wind speed in m/s :Data Access: List :Default Value: | None :Name: AirBoundaryHeight :Description: Top of the air column in m. Default is set to 10m. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 10 :Name: InvestigationHeight :Description: Height at which the new air temperature and relative humidity should be calculated. Default is set to 1.1m. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 1.1 :Name: CPUs :Description: Number of CPUs to perform the computations on. Default is set to 2 :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | 2 :Name: ResultFolder :Description: Folder where the result files should be saved :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: Run :Description: Run the component :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: NewTemperature :Description: | New temperature in C. :Name: NewRelativeHumidity :Description: | New relative humidity in -. :Name: LatentHeatFlux :Description: | Computed latent heat flux in J/h. :Name: UsedVapourFlux :Description: | Vapour flux used to alter the temperature and relative humidity in kg/h. **Livestock Load Air Results** :Description: A component class that computes a new air temperature and relative humidity with the Atmosphere Model from the thesis of Christian Kongsgaard :Inputs: :Name: ResultFolder :Description: Path to result folder. :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Name: LoadResult :Description: Run the component :Data Access: Item :Default Value: | False :Outputs: :Name: readMe! :Description: | In case of any errors, it will be shown here. :Name: NewTemperature :Description: | New temperature in C. :Name: NewRelativeHumidity :Description: | New relative humidity in -. :Name: LatentHeatFlux :Description: | Computed latent heat flux in J/h. :Name: UsedVapourFlux :Description: | Vapour flux used to alter the temperature and relative humidity in kg/h. **Go Back to:** `Livestock Frontpage`__ `Livestock PyPi`__ `Livestock Grasshopper`__ __ __ __